University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health recently held a ground-breaking ceremony for its ambulatory surgery center and a beam-signing ceremony for its new inpatient bed tower expansion in Bel Air. Here are the details provided by UM UCH:

University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health Announces Progress on Two Significant Construction Projects on Its Bel Air Campus
Ground Broken for Ambulatory Care Surgery Center and “Topping Out” Ceremony Held for Inpatient Bed Expansion
BEL AIR, Md. (September 20, 2022) – University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health (UM UCH) announces progress on two construction projects at its University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Medical Center campus in Bel Air, both designed to provide additional services for the community and an improved patient experience. Ground has been broken for the ambulatory surgery center, and a “topping out” and beam-signing ceremony has been completed for the new inpatient bed tower expansion, improvements which are part of UM UCH’s strategy to transform health care in the region.
“It is a very exciting time for all of us at UM UCH. The ambulatory surgery center is projected to open the latter part of 2023,” said Elizabeth Wise, MSN, MBA, President and Chief Executive Officer of UM UCH. “Along the same timeline is the completion of our emergency department expansion and bed tower, adding much needed hospital beds and space for support services. We thank our community and neighbors for their patience as we complete our construction.”
William Cook, MD, Division Head of Orthopaedic Surgery at UM UCH, said, “This ambulatory surgery center has been a dream for us for many years. To have our practice in an environment that offers a full complement of services for orthopaedic treatment will be a significant benefit to all our patients.”
The “topping out” and beam signing for a three-floor, 72-bed addition being added to the Kaufman Cancer Center building took place in late August. “Topping Out” is a tradition that refers to the placement of the final beam atop a new structure.
“On behalf of the UM UCH board of directors, we couldn’t be more proud of the progress for our campus expansions,” said Bryan Kelly, chair of the UM UCH board. “The Bel Air campus has been growing continually since it opened in 2001, bringing the highest quality care and services to our community.”