Harford Community College President Dr. Theresa B. Felder has been named a 2023 Paragon Award for New Presidents recipient by the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. Here are the details provided by college:
Dr. Theresa Felder Receives Paragon Award for New Presidents
Dr. Theresa B. Felder, President of Harford Community College, has been named a 2023 Paragon Award for New Presidents recipient by the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society. Awards were presented during “PTK Catalyst 2023,” the Society’s annual convention that was held April 20‐22 in Columbus, Ohio. Dr. Felder was one of 28 college presidents who was recognized with an award during this event.
The award recognizes new college presidents who have supported student success by recognizing academic achievement, leadership, and service among high-achieving students at their college. To be eligible for this award, college presidents and CEOs must be new in their role, having served less than three years. Recipients are nominated by Phi Theta Kappa students on their campus.
“I am honored to receive this award and proud of the many accomplishments of our PTK students here at Harford Community College,” said Dr. Felder. “I know that I speak for each and every member of our faculty and staff when I say that we are dedicated to doing everything we can to ensure that our students reach their academic goals.”
According to PTK, students in the honor society have a 91 percent student success rate, and research has shown that strong presidential leadership and support of PTK increases member success and the depth of their college experience.
The 2023 recipients are Dr. Vincent Bowhay, Independence Community College, Kansas; Dr. Kimberly Britt, Phoenix College, Arizona; Olivier Charles, Bishop State Community College, Alabama; Dr. Ronnie (Scott) Cook, Dyersburg State Community College, Tennessee; Dr. Lisa Dresdner, Naugatuck Valley Community College, Connecticut; Dr. Theresa Felder, Harford Community College, Maryland; Dr. Felicia Ganther, Bucks County Community College, Pennsylvania; Dr. Michael Gavin, Delta College, Michigan; Dr. John Hartog, Northwest Iowa Community College, Iowa; Dr. Jimmy Hodges, Calhoun Community College, Alabama; Tim Hood, Mid Michigan College, Michigan; Dr. David Johnson, Merritt College, California; Dr. Brian Kelly, Clinton Community College, Iowa; Dr. Justin Lonon, Dallas College – Eastfield & Brookhaven Campuses, Texas; Dr. Daniel Lopez, Harold Washington College, Illinois; Kim Lopez, Cañada College, California; Dr. Daniel Lufkin, Tarrant County College, Texas; Dr. Jennifer Methvin, Arkansas State University – Beebe Campus, Arkansas; Dr. Paige Niehaus, Hillsborough Community College – Dale Mabry Campus, Florida; Dr. Kathleen Plinske, Valencia College – Osceola Campus, Florida; Dr. Steve Robinson, Lansing Community College, Michigan; Dr. Greg Schulz, Citrus College, California; Dr. Vincent Solis, Brazosport College, Texas; Dr. Howard Spearman, Rock Valley College, Idaho; Dr. Stephen Vacik, Hinds Community College, Mississippi; Dr. Christopher Villa, Skagit Valley College, Washington; Dr. Jermaine Whirl, Augusta Technical College, Georgia; and Lisa Willenberg, University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton, Arkansas.
About Phi Theta Kappa
Phi Theta Kappa is the premier honor society recognizing the academic achievement of students at associate degree-granting colleges and helping them to grow as scholars and leaders. The Society is made up of more than 3.8 million members and nearly 1,300 chapters in 11 countries, with approximately 240,000 active members in the nation’s colleges. Learn more at ptk.org.