Nominations are open for the 38th annual awards recognizing local volunteers of any age or background who enrich the lives of their fellow citizens through acts of kindness and concern. Here are the details provided by the Harford County government:

Nominees Sought for 38th Annual Harford’s Most Beautiful People Awards
BEL AIR, Md., (May 28, 2024) – Do you know an unsung hero? Each year Harford County searches for local citizens who selflessly assist others and honors their volunteer service with Harford’s Most Beautiful People Awards.
Nominations are open for the 38th annual awards recognizing local volunteers of any age or background with one thing in common: They enrich the lives of their fellow citizens through acts of kindness and concern.
Community members are encouraged to nominate both individuals and groups for the award. A group may consist of several individuals or the employees of an organization who collectively come together on their own time to volunteer for a non-profit organization or the Harford County community.
Nominees must live and volunteer in Harford County, and nominations must be based on volunteer service only. Elected officials currently in office are not eligible for nomination. The deadline for nominations is Friday, August 2, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.
Online nominations are strongly encouraged and can be found along with a complete list of official rules and eligibility requirements on the county website at
Hard copies of the nomination form can be requested by contacting Theresa Smith in the Department of Housing & Community Services at 410-638-3045 or