Harford Community College has appointed Dr. Stuart Savin as Associate Vice President for Workforce & Continuing Education. Here are the details provided by the college:
Dr. Stuart Savin Named Associate VP for Workforce & Continuing Education at Harford Community College
Harford Community College announces the appointment of Dr. Stuart Savin to the position of Associate Vice President for Workforce & Continuing Education effective December 9, 2024.
Dr. Savin earned a Bachelor of Arts in General Studies from the University of Connecticut, a Master of Science in Education Administration from the State University of New York, and a Doctor of Education from Oregon State University.

Prior to accepting this position, he served as the administrative director at Lancaster County Career and Technology Center, a countywide center offering high school and adult students workforce-focused educational opportunities including short-term training, contract training and associate degree programming.
Dr. Savin has been involved in workforce education, career and technical education, noncredit training, and academic and transfer education throughout much of his career, on both coasts of the U.S. He started in industry as a bus and truck mechanic, later as an automotive technician, and then in corporate as an advanced technical trainer and later as a technical services manager.
After over a decade in industry, he started teaching automotive technology at a community college. Dr. Savin had initially planned to return to industry; however, he found a passion for helping students succeed and achieve. After five years of teaching, he began his administrative path, starting as a dean and culminating in a community college presidency.
Dr. Savin has proven expertise in academic affairs, assessment, accreditation, diversity initiatives, curriculum development, contract training, adult basic skills/GED, workforce development, finance, technology, facilities, community partnerships, and faculty and staff development. He has served at campuses ranging from small suburban single-campus institutions to large urban multi-campus institutions.
In addition to his direct community college experience, he has taught at the graduate and undergraduate level using distance and hybrid learning, worked with school districts on concurrent and dual enrollment programs, and built and developed community-based educational centers and options. Dr. Savin has also done extensive accreditation work at the institutions he served and as an evaluator for both the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities and the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. He also served for six years on the Board of Commissioners for the National League for Nursing’s Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation.
After many years in higher education, he shifted into secondary education, starting back in the classroom as a power sports technology teacher. Dr. Savin later returned to the administrative path, leading adult and continuing education programs, including GED, ESL and adult basic skills programming, as well as contract training, diploma trainings, short term certificate training, and practical nursing.
During his career, he has held ASE Master certifications in both automotive and truck and a Merchant Marine Master’s License. He currently holds a CDL license.